For Private and Corporate Clients

I am happy to welcome ideas for any bespoke work or commissions from both private and corporate clients.

Our journey will begin with an on-line conversation . Obviously, it will help if the commission is realistic and within the bounds of my talents. A feeling of connection to me and my process should also begin at this stage.

Updates on the progress of the work will be given and on completion delivery means can be arranged.

Judith Hayter, Gallery Owner

“Jenny Charles is a potter who not only takes her own work seriously but has given a lot of time and effort to furthering ceramics.

I have always found her, both in business and as a fellow potter, friendly, thoughtful, dependable and reliable, always eager to exchange views and ideas. She is well organised and disciplined.”

Andrew Hunter, SilverHunter Gallery

“Jenny’s work is rich and tactile, buyers find her worK irresistible. It has warmth and humanity in its form . Her work uses wonderful eye catching colour and texture creating memorable objects.”